Brick prices in South Africa

Building a brick house in South Africa? Here’s what you need to know about the prices of bricks per 1000 in 2023.

Brick prices in South Africa

The price of bricks in South Africa can vary depending on several factors, including:

Type of brick: Different types of bricks have different uses and prices. For example, clay face bricks are more expensive than cement plaster bricks.

Strength of brick: The more robust the brick, the more expensive it will be.

Availability of materials: If the materials used to make bricks are scarce, the price will increase.

Brick prices per 1000 in South Africa

Cement maxi bricks: R4,820 per 1000

Cement stock bricks: R2,300 per 1000

Makoro Ingwe satin bricks: R4,400 per 1000

Makoro Marble Travertine Fbs bricks: R5,050 per 1000

Letaba Satin bricks: R5,500 per 1000

Mampara bricks: R3,950 per 1000

Cement maxi blocks: R14,350 per 12 pallets (3,000 bricks)

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